PT. Mitra Stania Prima (MSP) obtained testing laboratory accreditation by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN)

PT. Mitra Stania Prima (MSP) obtained testing laboratory accreditation by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) on October 26th, 2021 (ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Laboratory Accreditation) and has been published on KAN’s official website at

This accreditation is granted for the field of testing of Tin Ore and Tin Metal, and valid until October 26th, 2026 (valid for 5 years).

Laboratorium Pengujian PT. MSP didukung oleh tenaga analis yang handal dengan fasilitas laboratorium yang memadai untuk melakukan pengujian pasir timah dan logam timah, sehingga mampu memberikan hasil pengujian yang cepat, tepat, akurat, dan terpercaya.

Laboratorium PT. MSP dapat memberikan layanan jasa pengujian mineral tambang yang meliputi:

Titrimetry method testing, which is chemical testing to determine the level of Sn (stannium) in tin ore.

Spectrometry method testing, which is testing with spectrometer instrumentation to determine the level of impurities present in tin metal.

Microscope method testing, testing using microscope to find out the mineral content in the tin ore.

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